Contact form 7


Adding Cc, Bcc and Other Mail Headers

Contact form 7 different page after submit


Create a wordpress page:
Title : Contact Us
Permalink : contact-us-success
Description : Your message has been sent successfully. Thank You.
Template :  Contact Us Success


Contact Form 7 redirects to the same URL as the form’s URL after form submissions in the default settings. However, in very rare cases, you might need to change this to make it redirect to another URL after submissions.
The simplest way is using on_sent_ok JavaScript action hook. By using this hook, you can specify a JavaScript code that you wish to run after the form is successfully submitted. You will find the Additional Settings field at the bottom of the contact form management page. Simply insert the following line into it:
on_sent_ok: "window.location= '';"

Placeholder text Contact Form 7 dropdown
$("#typeofinjury option:first:contains('---')").html('How Were You Injured?');//Replace ---