File Location
* webalive\template\catalog\product\view.phtml * webalive\template\catalog\product\view\media.phtml * webalive\template\catalog\product\list\upsell.phtml |
Product Custom Attribute
Product ID
<?php echo $_product ->getId() ?> |
Product Form Action
<form action= "<?php echo $this->getSubmitUrl($_product) ?>" method= "post" id= "product_addtocart_form" <?php if ( $_product ->getOptions()): ?> enctype= "multipart/form-data" <?php endif ; ?>> |
Product Name
<?php echo $_helper ->productAttribute( $_product , $_product ->getName(), 'name' ) ?> |
Product SKU
<?php echo $this ->htmlEscape( $_product ->getSku()) ?> |
Product Price
<?php echo $this ->getPriceHtml( $_product , true) ?> |
Product Sort Description
<?php echo $_helper ->productAttribute( $_product , nl2br ( $_product ->getShortDescription()), 'short_description' ) ?> |
Product Description
<?php echo $_helper ->productAttribute( $_product , nl2br ( $_product ->getDescription()), 'description' ) ?> |
Product Image And Additional Image
Location: catalog/product/view/media.phtml <?php echo $this ->getChildHtml( 'media' ) ?> |
Product Quantity And Add to Cart Button
Location: catalog/product/view/addtocart.phtml <?php if ( $_product ->isSaleable()): ?> <?php echo $this ->getChildHtml( 'addtocart' ) ?> <?php endif ; ?> |
Add to Wishlist
<?php $_wishlistSubmitUrl = $this ->helper( 'wishlist' )->getAddUrl( $_product ); ?> <?php if ( $this ->helper( 'wishlist' )->isAllow()) : ?> <a href= "<?php echo $_wishlistSubmitUrl ?>" onclick= "productAddToCartForm.submitLight(this, this.href); return false;" class = "link-wishlist" ><?php echo $this ->__( 'Add to Wishlist' ) ?></a> <?php endif ; ?> |
Add to Compare
<?php $_compareUrl = $this ->helper( 'catalog/product_compare' )->getAddUrl( $_product ); ?> <?php if ( $_compareUrl ) : ?> <a href= "<?php echo $_compareUrl ?>" class = "link-compare" ><?php echo $this ->__( 'Add to Compare' ) ?></a> <?php endif ; ?> |
Add Your Review
Location Rating: template\rating\detailed.phtml Location Review: template\review\product\view\ count .phtml template\review\view.phtml template\review\form.phtml <?php echo $this ->getReviewsSummaryHtml( $_product , false, true)?> |
Email to a Friend
<?php if ( $this ->canEmailToFriend()): ?> <p class = "email-friend" ><a href= "<?php echo $this->helper('catalog/product')->getEmailToFriendUrl($_product) ?>" ><?php echo $this ->__( 'Email to a Friend' ) ?></a></p> <?php endif ; ?> |
Availability: In stock
<?php if ( $_product ->isAvailable()): ?> <p class = "availability in-stock" ><?php echo $this ->__( 'Availability:' ) ?> <span><?php echo $this ->__( 'In stock' ) ?></span></p> <?php else : ?> <p class = "availability out-of-stock" ><?php echo $this ->__( 'Availability:' ) ?> <span><?php echo $this ->__( 'Out of stock' ) ?></span></p> <?php endif ; ?> |
Product Options
<block type= "catalog/product_view" name= "" as = "product_options_wrapper" template= "catalog/product/view/options/wrapper.phtml" translate= "label" > <label>Info Column Options Wrapper</label> <block type= "core/template" name= "options_js" template= "catalog/product/view/options/js.phtml" /> <block type= "catalog/product_view_options" name= "" as = "product_options" template= "catalog/product/view/options.phtml" > <action method= "addOptionRenderer" ><type>text</type><block>catalog/product_view_options_type_text</block><template>catalog/product/view/options/type/text.phtml</template></action> <action method= "addOptionRenderer" ><type>file</type><block>catalog/product_view_options_type_file</block><template>catalog/product/view/options/type/file.phtml</template></action> <action method= "addOptionRenderer" ><type>select</type><block>catalog/product_view_options_type_select</block><template>catalog/product/view/options/type/select.phtml</template></action> <action method= "addOptionRenderer" ><type> date </type><block>catalog/product_view_options_type_date</block><template>catalog/product/view/options/type/ date .phtml</template></action> </block> <block type= "core/html_calendar" name= "html_calendar" as = "html_calendar" template= "page/js/calendar.phtml" /> </block> |
Product Tags
<block type= "tag/product_list" name= "product_tag_list" before= "-" template= "tag/list.phtml" > <block type= "page/html_wrapper" name= "product.tag.list.list.before" as = "list_before" translate= "label" > <label>Tags List Before</label> <action method= "setMayBeInvisible" ><value>1</value></action> </block> </block> <?php echo $this ->getChildHtml( 'product_tag_list' ) ?> |
Product Review
<block type= "review/product_view_list" name= "" as = "reviews" template= "review/product/view/list.phtml" /> <?php echo $this ->getChildHtml( 'reviews' ) ?> <block type= "review/form" name= "" as = "review_form" /> <?php echo $this ->getChildHtml( 'review_form' ) ?> |
Cross Sell
edit file that located at: app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/Block/Cart/Crosssell.php Find line 41: protected $_maxItemCount = 4; <block type= "catalog/product_list_crosssell" name= "" as = "crosssell_products" template= "catalog/product/list/crosssell.phtml" /> <?php echo $this ->getChildHtml( 'crosssell_products' ) ?> |
Up sell
<block type= "catalog/product_list_upsell" name= "" as = "upsell_products" template= "catalog/product/list/upsell.phtml" > <action method= "setColumnCount" ><columns>4</columns></action> <action method= "setItemLimit" ><type>upsell</type><limit>4</limit></action> </block> <?php echo $this ->getChildHtml( 'upsell_products' ) ?> |
Related Product
<block type= "catalog/product_list_related" name= "catalog.product.related" as = "related" template= "catalog/product/list/related.phtml" /> <?php echo $this ->getChildHtml( 'related' ); ?> |