Magento comes with a built-in logging facility which can be enabled
and configured in the back-end under System > Configuration >
Developer. Alternatively you can enable the Developer Mode for the site
to enable the log (on how to do this have a look at the index.php file).
The exception log is always on.
'My log entry'
'My log message: '
default all log entries are appended to the var/log/system.log file and
the exceptions are logged to var/log/exception.log. Objects and Arrays
are automatically written via a print_r() directive. Watch out when
using objects since these can get substantial in size. If you are in
Developer Mode you can try if the object supports debug output via
When using
$myVariable is empty you won’t get an entry in the log. Add a comment
before and at least you will know that the variable at that stage is
Mage::log( 'My variable: ' . $myVariable );
you are distributing your own extensions it helps a lot if you don’t
have to sift through heaps of unrelated log entries to identify an
issue. The solution is to log to your own files.
Looking at the method definition in app/code/Mage.php you will find
public static function log( $message , $level = null, $file = '' ) {}
so logging to your own file becomes as easy as
Mage::log( 'My log entry' , null, 'mylogfile.log' );
and et voilá all our log entries are in their own file at var/log/mylogfile.log. Exceptions can only be logged to one file